I came back from Norway more than a week ago. And yes, it took me more than a week to get back on my feet. MidWinter turned out to be one of the most unlucky conventions I have ever been. The very first night in Norway I got high temperature, fever and soon after, in the morning it was f… clear – I have a flu.
Flu doesn’t work with snack bar food.
Flu doesn’t work with running demos at convention.
Flu doesn’t work with Norwegian weather. I felt super bad and yet, I was pushing it hard, everyday trying to be as long as possible at convention and run demos.
When I got home it was payback time.
The city and the area from what I managed to see during the first day is absolutely beautiful. It is exactly as you’d imagine Norway. Amazing small port city and green land with huge rocks, strong wind… The moment we landed, I knew I am in Norway and I loved it.
If you like to do sightseeing and board gaming in one weekend, visiting MidWinter is awesome option for you.
Norwegian folk. I mean Vikings.
Not all of them has a beard. And they are not fierce warriors. They are extremely friendly and kind people. Don’t have beards. Don’t hold axes. Are smiled, funny, and super kind.
Selection of games was crazy. I have to say – most conventions I’ve been has a club library available. Here it was different – it was just games brought by geeks. And I have to say it – every single geek brought best games from his or her collection. From the hottest new games (X-Com, Imperial Assault) till the old great games (Imperial, 7 Wonders), from light games (Bausack, Splendor), till heavy beasts (Through the Ages). So many great titles. I was walking next to the library and I saw one title after another that I’d love to play.
If not this stupid flu…
Prices in Norway are highest in Europe. Considering the fact that I am from Poland, one of the poorest countries in Europe… You get the point. For a price of sandwich I could get dinner in Poland.
At one point I was really shocked – I was talking with Einar, chief of MidWinter and he said: 'Games are very cheap, we buy a lot of them.’
That was a first time in my life when I heard a gamer saing 'Games are cheap.’
That shows you level of prices of other products in Norway, huh? 🙂
There was crazy amount of tournaments and crazy amount of participants. Tournament for Imperial Settlers had 22 players, biggest in the world so far! People played tournament of King of Tokyo and Quirkle and PitchCar and Bausack… At casual conventions like that, with just free gaming so many tournaments is something unique.
I have to mention super fair play atmosphere during tournament of Imperial Settlers. I already posted about it on Instagram and Twitter – players were super friendly, were helping each other with rules, were supportive to their opponents. Let better player win was a motto, but let us play in a friendly way was even more important. Great approach.
If only the flu
MidWinter is a small convention held in a small beautiful city. I strongly recommend you to check flight tickets, look for good price or promotion and consider visiting a Norway. This is a stunning place you can visit and enjoy. And play some board games too.
I am super sad I had flu and I was not able to enjoy the convention in 100%. I hope to come back to MidWinter. It is definitely a place I want to come back! These are definitely people I want to meet again and play with them some cool games!
P.S. Probably I infected half of the population of the Norway with my flu. I am sorry.