It was late July 2009. Stronghold was ready. I had scheduled few more test games to test icons and overall functionality of the board but basically I was close to finish this project.
It is Saturday night. We are at my friend’s house and I ask them to play Stronghold prototype. I set up the game, Bogas is defender, Salou is attacker. I watch.
We are in the first phase of the first round when something happens. Something I was not prepared for. Something I was not expecting.
Salou looks at cards with actions. Then he looks at me and says: 'I don’t like these icons. I don’t get them. Fuck them.’ and he takes all his cards and throws away. 'I will play only Dispatch action today.’ he says.
’What?!’ I am more than in shock. 'What are you going to do? Dispatch only?!’
’I don’t build machines, I don’t train people, I don’t do spells. I just march towards the walls.’ he says and begins to play.
30 minutes later he enters the castle and wins the game with a smile on his face. 'Have I just found winning strategy?’ he asks.
’You must be fucking kidding me.’ I say . 'You guys play again’ I order.
And as a side note – Bogas, player who was defending the castle was one of my best testers, one of the best players in my gaming group. I was devastated. Bogas was pissed off. He was doing his best, and yet, Salou’s army just walked into the castle…
So we play again. Salou is attacking without any other actions than Dispatch. Bogas is defending. I help him. In a fact we work together to stop this bloody army.
In 40 minutes we fail. Salou wins again. He is happy as a kid.
I take prototype and go home. I don’t sleep. I correct the game. Next day I play again with Salou. I loose again. I tweaks prototype again. And again. And again.
Finally it is fixed. Just few weeks before the game is in print…
This story is a great example of 4th type of testers and testing. The crazy ones. The ones who act ridiculously. Who do something stupid, and yet, are able to shake the game.
My best tester in this category is Michał Oracz. He tests most unbelievable ways of playing the game. He looks for not straightforward strategies. He looks for holes in my system. He is damn good at this.
We designers and publishers need crazy ones among testers. If we don’t have them, we will read at BGG about one tiny hole in the game that let’s you earn 100 points just from nothing…
These are those 4 types of testers I have. These are 4 phases of testing I do. I hope you enjoyed this mini series and it showed you that testing games is not just sitting with friends and playing for fun. This is work, this is very organized work, with different phases, with managing people and different goals at different phases of process.
Keep testing games. This is damn important.
Ancient game go has a handicap rule. Player who has smaller experience begins the game with few his stones already on board, set in the exactly chosen spots. That way he has an advantage at the beginning and will be able to play tight match against better player. Simple and brilliant.
Better player doesn’t need to fake that he is doing his best. Better player doesn’t have to play with 50% of determination. Better player doesn’t accidentally make mistakes. He is doing all his best to get the opponent, who began with better position. Go teaches us to respect the enemy, respect the game and respect engagement.
I use handicap rule for all different games when I play with my children. I give them starting bonus, some advantage and then no mercy. I give my best. I struggle with them and I am serious. I show them my determination, my will to win, I show them how with a good moves I can do better in the game.
I teach them how to play better but what is more, I teach them right attitude – when you play, play your best. You own this to your opponent. This is showing respect.
I do my best when I play with kids. I can do this because handicap.
When I play X-Wing with my son, we play without handicap. Every time he kicks my ass, this is because he was better. And he knows it. This is pure satisfaction for him. He knows he won, because he was better. He knows I never fake when I play. I was teaching him that for years.
And you know, even though I loose, I am damn happy. It is so cool when your son kicks your ass. He is better. And in these moments I am proud daddy.
When I was a kid,my father said to me: from among two persons who make a bet one is a dick and the other is moron. The first guy knows he is right and he takes advantage from it. The other is just a moron wishing he is lucky and is right. Obviously he is not.
In December 2012 I was running demo games of Robinson at Pionek convention. It was long time ago. Before Robinson got these all great reviews. Before it got licensed to Germany, Italy, Russia, China or Korea. Before he got awards and nominations…
What is more, at that time I was in the middle of hell – at Polish game forums dozen of haters attacked me with a strength and hatred I have never seen before. It was so brutal and personal, that admins of game forum decided to react and kick some asses. Yeah, Polish release of Robinson was very sad time for me.
At that Pionek convention, devastated by Internet haters I was still struggling for success of Robinson and running demos of Robinson, all two days, from dusk till night. One of players who decided to try was my friend Klema. He played, then he came to me, hug me like bear and with very serious voice he said to me: 'It will make top 20 at BGG. Congratulations.’
At this time it sounded like the dumbest thing on Earth. The very very dumbest thing. The dumbest. If he ask me back then: 'Want a bet?’ I would bet with 10 000 $ that he is not right. I would bet without a blink.
From among those two who would make a bet, I would be the moron. Today Robinson make it to Top20 at BGG.
This is unbelievable, but this is true. I can’t believe this is real…

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