IMG_4856As I said in the previous post and as I was tweeting for couple of past weeks – I am done with Gen con releases. I finished all our boxes for Gen con, I am also done with Stronghold II ed. (I just need to get results from testers, update the balance, if needed). My 2015 to-design list is empty.

I am on vacation.

I received Witcher 3 from CD Projekt RED. I bought Mortal Combat X. I bought DVD with three seasons of Homeland. I bought 6 epic comic books albums (more than 1300 pages all together!). All cool stuff I was waiting to dive into for months. All cool stuff I was postponing because of working on prototypes like madman.

This is time to have fun. I was waiting for this for so long.

Well, there is a problem though – I managed to enjoy my vacations for one week. And then my brain betrayed me.

I am back in design mode. I can’t fight it. Guys, I need a doctor.
