That was most busy and exhausting and amazing at the same time Essen so far. I need to catch up with sleep, with rest, with everything, but hey, it’s Wednesday – I owe you a post, right! Here is some cool photos from Essen. Those of you who follow me on Twitter already saw them, for rest of us – here it is, Essen how I saw it.
Three big personalities of our hobby, from the left: Eric W. Martin, who covers for us all board games news, Tom Vasel, who covers for us reviews of nearly every game that is published in the world, and Brad Jr. Tolton, designer of publisher of great games (like Pixel Tactics or BattleCon). As we clearly see, Eric is just announcing that he heard about 600 new games that will be published and which need to be reviewed…
They say that in Essen you can buy everything for your board games. Well, I couldn’t find sleeves for this Settlers card…
Best trolley ever!
Zee was stealing my thunder and signing box of Imperial Settlers. C’mon man, design a game by yourself! 😉
We all knew that Essen will be like a heaven for Ryan Metzler. It indeed was. 🙂
Don’t worry, I can fit one more game here! Everything is under control!
Runar had one suitcase. I had one car…
My Essen haul in all its glory!
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