The optimism. The belief it is our life-changing chance.
It’s the year of Neuroshima Hex English release. It’s also us almost get
killed in the car accident on the way to Essen. It’s us signing our
first license with an American publisher, Z-Man Games. It’s me having
terrible flu on the last day of the fair. Like really, really terrible.
It’s Portal Games signing a contract with IELLO Games. They will become
our partner for years.
Moving to the new
location. We are next to the CGE and we help each other to promote our
games. It’s releasing my first game in English, co-design with Michał
Oracz called Witchcraft. The game doesn’t become a major hit. It’s me
running demo of Witchcraft for one of the founders of BGG, Derk and
kicking his ass. Not smart to beat press and media during the demo, but
It’s the first time Portal Games is doing
the epic buzz for the game. It’s the release of Stronghold, and the
whole board game world is discussing it. It’s my first live stream at
BGG. It’s the first time we are #1 on the BGG buzz list. It’s the first
time foreign publishers bidding to get rights for the game. It’s the
first time Tom Vasel reviews and praises our title. It’s also our first
terrible rulebook.
It’s the first scandal with
our production – the box with 51st State misses one of the tokens, we
made a mistake and didn’t put it on the punch board. It’s also the first
glory moment – one of the most famous German reviewers, Frank Kulkmann,
gives us the award for the best game of the Essen Spiel 2010. It’s us
eating Haribo bears all day long – we grab them from other publishers
booths. It’s the first time we are in Essen with Rebel Games, our
exclusive distributor.
It’s Pret-a-Porter year.
It’s me trying to convince our hardcore fans who love Neuroshima Hex,
Stronghold and 51st State that the game about fashion is a great choice.
It’s a Portal team wearing fancy clothes at the booth. It’s the first
year for the company without Michał Oracz. It’s a strange year.
the second time Portal Games grasps the attention of the whole board
game world. It’s the year of Robinson Crusoe. It’s me going to BGG live
stream with volleyball ball that pretends to be Wilson from Tom Hanks’
Cast Away movie. It’s us signing licenses with 12 different publishers
to release Robinson in different countries. It’s our first game we sign
with Pegasus Spiele. It’s another terrible rulebook. It’s another great
We move to the new location, again. We
split with Rebel Games. After a few years of marriage, it is the first
time we are on our own again. It’s the release of Legacy: a testament of
Duke de Crecy, brilliant, thematic game with the crazy title. It’s
spending great long hours with Michael Hendricks, designer of the game
in the evenings. It’s also starting the Kickstarter campaign for my
first book right during the show. It’s pure panic when in the very first
hours the KS goes far better than planned. It’s me running all around
the fair, asking my friends designers to help me and write the article
for the book as a stretch goal. It’s me playing 51st State match against
a very good Hungarian player. The match takes place in the evening in
the restaurant. I am getting smashed. It’s also a year of release of
Theseus, but who remembers that game today…
again we move to the new location. And again, we have an Essen hit –
Imperial Settlers. The lines are insane. A number of signed copies, each
with a drawing of a cow, is beyond the limits. We have no free tables,
we have no space, we have no clue what’s going on around us. One of our
volunteers builds a „coffee table” from cardboard boxes, covers it with a
piece of rag, and starts demoing the game asking everybody not to touch
the table. We are under siege, as never before. The game sells out on
the second day of the fair. The most successful Essen in history. Poland
becomes World Champion in volleyball that year beating Brazil in the
phenomenal final match that takes place a few miles from my home. I
don’t hesitate to mention that victory when signing copy of Imperial
Settler to my fan from Brazil.
We are releasing
Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot. Don’t remember much from the show except
one thing. Last day of the show, Sunday evening. We are in the Irish pub
in Essen watching football match Poland versus Ireland. The winner of
the match goes to European Championships. The loser is out. There is a
pub full of Irish supporters and 5 of us from Poland. Singing, shouting,
supporting with the whole passion. Poland wins the game. The night to
We move again. We move to the
prestigious hall 3. The epic booth is one of the best looking booths at
Essen that year. For the whole 4 days of the show I cannot help it, but
compare it all to the year 2007, the year when I feel we made it –
Portal Games is doing something exceptional. At this show, we are
releasing Cry Havoc, and for the first time, our German division
releases a game – German edition of 51st State. Jeff, our volunteer from
US, who was with us at every Gen con, visits Europe and is with us all
Essen. I meet Patric, the most insane volunteer Portal ever had. Essen
2016 is the Essen we moved to the hall 3. The Essen to remember.
increase the size of the booth. Portal Games is one of the major
exhibitors at the fair with a 200 square meters booth. We release First
Martians and Alien Artifacts; none of them becomes a major hit of the
show. It’s the first time we must care for power banks and tablets –
First Martians demos and Rising 5 demos need some technology! We have an
army of amazing volunteers. We have a great team. And although I see
that this Essen releases are not very popular, I am optimistic. At that
time I am already working on Detective. I know the next year will be
huge. Detective is phenomenal.
Monolith Arena on
20 tables. Two offices as part of the booth busy with ongoing meetings
all day long. Seminar for press and media with the announcement of L.A.
Crimes expansion for Detective. Then a special Detective event for
nearly 100 players playing Suburbia case in one big room. The year of
Detective released in German at Portal Games and Pegasus Spiele booths
at once. A great year, although there is one issue – I am missing
Champions League game – my favorite German football club, Borussia
Dortmund, plays a game a few miles from Essen. A ton of my friends go to
see the match. I don’t have tickets. Sad face.
I am writing this post, my team is on the way to Essen. It’s the first
time I will show up only for two days. It’s the first time I will be
more visiting than running the show. It’s the first time Portal Games
doesn’t mean Ignacy. It’s the first time Portal Games means amazing team
that can do exceptional work and needs boss only to smile for selfies
and interviews. It’s the first time… It’s awkward. Weird. It’s
Things changed over these past few years. Things changed…
Which our Essen was your first Essen to discover Portal Games? Any cool memories from that time?