First pics of the game came from Gamescon, where CDProjekt RED presented prototype of Witcher. It was lighting storm. No teasers, no announcements, nothing. Just bam! We have Witcher game, we were working on it for the past few months. It is almost finished.
Polish game forums were super hot those days. And then silence again – CDProjekt was silent as a grave.
Till today. Again they dropped a bomb. Nuke, to be precise.
Witcher trailer is amazing. I knew all this artwork, cards, everything for months and still I am super excited. Great job. Information about partnership with Fantasy Flight Games immediately puts Witcher as one of most discussed games of 2014. This is scale like no other game from Poland ever had.
My flirt with FFG has a history. In 2009 I signed a contract for English edition of Witchcraft, but after few months it was canceled because of changes at FFG (even though the game was almost in print). The same year we were discussing Stronghold. This time again no happy end. FFG decided that game has too strong euro feeling, not enough ameritrash. That’s how Stronghold got published by Valley Games. When Rafal Jaki from CDProjekt told me few months ago that there are negotiations with FFG, I had no big hopes.
But this time I was lucky. Witcher is going worlwide. With a huge 'W’