We are very close to finish our work with Ruins, new expansion for 51st State. And since it is a little bit too early to make an official presentation of this product, I have to say – I just can not wait any longer, I need to post at least few pics from this expansion. The artwork we received is just amazing. Credits to Piotr Foksowicz!

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BGG has some testimonials about AI Space Puzzle and I like them a lot! 📷
Just had a long call with Adam Kwapiński discussing abilities and powers in the faction I designed for Nemesis: Retaliation!
I cannot wait for you to change Island setting into Space base and die again... 😉
🌴 Robinson Crusoé - Aventures sur l’Île Maudite 🧭
Ça y est, Robinson Crusoé effectue son grand retour ce vendredi ! Suite à un naufrage… vous serez confrontés à une aventure extraordinaire, dans laquelle il va être question de gestion, construction, exploration…
Back in the office! Excited to dig into all these "I'll do it after Essen" topics! 😉