I have this rule ’Never purchase new game if the one you bought previously is still unplayed’
It helps me keep my budget under control. It helps me keep reasonable number of games in my collection. This is important.
So – never purchase new game if the one you bought previously is still unplayed. It’s clear. Of course I had to make one small exception when Christmas was approaching but well, what could I do?! Shouldn’t I buy games for my family because I was lame and didn’t manage to play game bought in November? Should I hurt them? No!!
So basically, the rule is: never purchase new game if the one you bought previously is still unplayed except the situation when not purchasing would hurt feelings of people you care.
Yeah, it is a little bit longer, but it is fair.
For a moment I was wondering if purchasing six games for Christmas isn’t a violation of my rule but technically it isn’t. I was buying them in a one moment. I don’t think it is exploiting the rules. I hope you agree.
There was a tight moment at the beginning of January with a good offer for Smash Up in one of the Polish game stores, so I needed to look at the situation with wider perspective – Space Cadets which I bought for Christmas and didn’t play yet is a game for 3-5 players. Merry and I makes 2 players.
This is objective reason why I didn’t played Space Cadets yet. I simply can’t. I really wanted, but I can’t.
In this situation everything is clear – never purchase new game if the one you bought previously is still unplayed although you could play it (except the situation when not purchasing would hurt feelings of people you care).
I was totally allowed to buy Smash up.
Mid-january shows me as a loyal client and man of honor. I was contacted by my favorite game store. They informed me that they just managed to import the game Coup I was asking about few months ago. You can not expect me being rude and cancel my order, right?
This is matter of rules. This is matter of being a honest and responsible man. Yeah, I bought Coup but I didn’t break any rules. Read them carefully. Everything is according to rules.
Never purchase new game if the one you purchased previously is still unplayed although you could play it (except the situation when not purchasing would hurt feelings of people or game stores you care).
Few days ago I discovered the problem with wording, and you know, wording in rules is extremely important. Carelessly I used the word 'purchase’ when writing the rule. It obviously should be 'buy’. I mean, this is important, because the fact that I am just receiving 4 new games from Polish edition of Math Trade is something totally different. Technically it is not buying. I want you to understand very clearly. This is not against the rule.
Never buy new game if the one you bought previously is still unplayed although you could play it (except the situation when not purchasing would hurt feelings of people or game stores you care).
Math Trade is legal. I can exchange as many games as I want!
This week I bought Mage Wars.
And technically, I mean, if you look at this promotion I was offered and if you consider I am father of big family and I really need to keep my budget tight and such an offer let me save money so I can buy warm clothes for my little kids and…
OK, you know what? Give me a break. Look at my avatar here. I am game designer. Not rules lawyer. Are we clear?