I have very important announcement. I came into possession of documents from Boardgamegeek.com that were confidential and as far as I suspect were to be deleted! This is serious affair. As you will see below some games were deprived of the chance to receive prizes! I am very sorry but this is terrifying truth. Below you will find list of categories and games that would win the price if only BGG would not mess with the procedures and not hide it from us.
Best 3 players game
Half of the box of Space Cadets
Best constantly out of stock game
Robinson Crusoe
Best my 4 year old daughter draws better cover of the game
Best unstacking box of the game
Dungeon Roll
Best to promote our hobby game
You suck
Best re-rethemed (so called backwards retheming) game
Love Letter Kanai factory edition
Best golden ring including game
Nothing personal
Best your better order it online game
Ogre Designer’s Edition
I am not sure if this is all. These are documents, I found. If you have any access to BGG databases, and can find more of this, I highly appreciate it. World needs to know!